Posts Tagged ‘woman


pursuit of a woman

How is a woman of the Lord pursued?

Is she not treasured, like the rarest of gems?

Is she not full of life, like a well-tended garden?


For the rarest of treasures does man strive,

He works upon the hard rock to search in caverns deep

Seeking the glimmer amidst the darkness, he strains

And in its discovery, takes most care to shine and shape


For the life giving and wondrous garden does man toil,

He sows the seeds and prunes, waiting for fruit and flower to grow

The gentle fragrance and beauty of such a place, he gently handles

And in its bloom and season, enjoys the blessed splendor


But is not a righteous woman greater than any of these?

For her pure soul is better than even the most precious diamond

And her life’s fruit is more sweet than even the greatest garden


How is a woman of the Lord pursued?

Is she not subtle and colorful, like the finest of tapestries?

Is she not majestic, like the greatest of palaces?


For the finest of cloth does man weave,

He takes thread upon thread, patiently working the loom

A masterpiece is made from warp and weft, he reaches out

And in its final form, brings awe and delight


For the greatest of wonders does man build,

He takes stone and brick, laying the vast foundation

Raising it from the ground, he makes plans most intricate

And with its completion, tells a story that echoes down the centuries


 But is not a righteous woman greater than any of these?

For her inner beauty does not fade, its color touches a thousand lives

And her majesty gives comfort and succor to a multitude


Behold o man! For the most precious of gifts, an incomparable life is given

Like none other on this earth are those we call our sisters in the faith

Indeed, a righteous and loving woman, who is full of grace and love

From the King of Kings is the most precious to be pursued